School headphones are vital for today's students. We outline the best practices for caring, cleaning and handling your child's school headphones to ensure they last long.

Care Instructions for School Headphones

School Headphones Care Instructions by Learning Headphones 

If you are like many of the school teachers that utilize School Headphones in your school, classroom, learning center, or library, you understand the importance of finding ways to maximize the life span of every pair of headphones or earbuds you receive. Let’s face it, students can be very hard on school equipment and school headphones, school headsets, and school earbuds are certainly no exception.

Some of the most common complaints about school headphones come as a result of broken equipment or loss of sound in one or both of the speakers. This is because students expose headphones to a great deal of stress and extended use day after day which can lead to broken equipment and sound loss.

There are many different things to consider when it comes to purchasing school headphonesschool earbuds or school headsets with a microphone. Regardless of what you decide to get, you want to make the most of every audio learning opportunity. This means taking extra care of all of the equipment including the headphones. Even if your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase the most durable models, there are steps you can take to get the most out of every solution for every computer and device.

Create a unique list of classroom headphone guidelines or best practices that describe the best way to use the headphones at your school. Include how to store and put them away after the audio lesson or learning activity has concluded.

We have learned that taking a few extra steps can greatly reduce the occurrences of accidental damage and help extend the life cycle of each pair of school headphones.

This will help set the expectation with students to ensure they are aware of the best way to handle and care for headphones. We know that it would be nearly impossible to eliminate every instance of misuse but even a small reduction can help.

Many manufacturers of headphones do offer warranties that cover manufacturer defects. These will not, however, cover misuse or abuse of headphones. This includes cords that have been chewed or pulled out of the speaker which may result in the loss of sound or static interference or bending of breaking of the connector plug.

To help you get started, our team created a list that may help you stretch your school budget and maximize the life of your school headphones regardless of what model you have or plan on purchasing in the future. Our goal is to help you make the most of every audio learning activity and reduce the instances of accidental damage.

school headphones care instructions for the classroom students on laptops

For an extensive list of tips, visit our School Headphones Care Instructions

Learning Headphones is dedicated to helping teachers and educators find the perfect school headphones. We support classroom projects around the United States and we strongly support so many of the amazing teachers that are dedicated to the education of our next generation. If you have any questions, our friendly team is happy to help.

We accept purchase orders, participate in bidding processes and offer fast and free quotes. Our goal is to make you a customer for life. Our team is here to make the process quick and make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.

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We hope you are having a wonderful school year, thank you for your dedication to education.

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